What do I want? Everything. So what is everything to me?
* Great dancing
* Good friends
* A job I like, with a flexable schedule
* To travel
* A church I can grow in and really be a part of
What do I have now?
* Good friends
* A great job, that is flexable but still difficult to travel
* A church where I have been growing a lot
So how do I get everything else? Primarily the dancing? I have to move. I am miserable here in Oregon. No where near my favorite people. Those people who bring out the best person in me and really help me feel like I am delving deep into my life.
I still want to go to New Orleans. I want to go now. But getting everything arranged is difficult. I have a trip planned to Prague this summer thats smack dab in the middle of the best time for me. I hate to quit my job because it's so perfect for me. But a job will never sustain me. Passion and life and creativity sustain me. Without those, there is no heart to my work, even if the work I am doing is great.
What would I have in New Orleans
* Great dancing
* Great Music
* Great friends; Cid, Keegan, the King's hopefully
* Potentially a good church.
* New oppertunites to travel
- but no job lined up, and who knows how long it could be or what kind of job.
But if I think about the last paragraph, clearly a job is the least of my concerns. I know how to make myslef happy even when working hard and thats by playing hard, living hard, and loving hard.