Psalm 104:13
"He waters the mountains from his upper chambers;
the earth is satisfied by the fruit of his work"
I love nature for so many reasons but there are two reasons that always stick out to me. The first reason being that it is a place where my soul really feels at peace and can rest. When I am in the woods, by the river, or on the mountain I feel rejuvenated. The second reason, is with wilderness is a place where I can see most easily the work of God. I love just sitting and taking in all the life giving beauty God has put together.

Walking through the forest the realization came to me that I may not be back in these woods, or any forests of Oregon for quite some time. With this thought I made sure to take in the views around me that much more. When will I next see a hillside covered with my favorite ground cover of Wood Sorrel. When will I next see the Sandy River or any river so cold and clean? And when will I next see mountains so majestic? I may not know for certain.
Don't get me wrong I will miss Oregon, however I am very excited to learn an entirely new ecosystem. I am looking forward to learning about totally different plants and animals, and bettering my understanding of nature through this knowledge. So while I said bit of a good bye, the possibilities ahead of me brought me strength.
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